Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Feature at the Gazette - Notable Poor Bastards...

As a public service The Poor Bastard's Gazette has decided to begin a new feature we call Notable Poor Bastards in which we will, from time to time,  make public the trials and tribulations of Notable Poor Bastards - both past and present - in an effort to help keep the masses throughout the Kingdom of the Poor Bastard as fully informed as possible; and to draw as much attention as we can to all manner of Poor Bastard behavior.

Today's entry into the ranks of Notable Poor Bastards actually involves two Notable Poor Bastardettes and an unfortunate incident which occurred over this past holiday weekend when the two Atlanta, GA women reportedly fell out of a10th story hotel room window while partying with friends.

The fall allegedly occurred when the two Poor Bastardettes , who were apparently standing next to the window, turned to give each other a "big hug" (as one witness described it)  then suddenly lost their balance and fell through the window.

One woman fell to the ground and died and the other, who reportedly landed on a "little balcony-like extension" a number of floors above the ground, is in critical condition at a local hospital. One witness, a boyfriend of the Poor Bastardette who died, stated that he believes the hotel windows were "not up to par".....whatever that means.

Police however, say that they are not investigating any aspect of the windows, as a contributing factor to the unfortunate incident.

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