Friday, November 9, 2012

Here We Go Again!

Those of you Poor Bastards who may have been pleased (or relieved) with the results of Tuesday's presidential election, but would otherwise prefer to crawl back under a rock and ignore political reality for another four years, may want to reconsider apathy as a strategy of change, after you see what the Bush clan is preparing to unleash:

Young Jeb Jr. here should not be taken lightly, as he is no bumbling idiot like that Titanic Poor Bastard Mittens Romney or the Pathetic Poor Bastard John McCain...

No, the Jebster's boy is a highly polished Aristocratic Poor Bastard and well trained emperor-in-training, who has been schooled at the feet of America's last surviving political dynasty.

His Hispanic heritage has been carefully crafted and is clearly poised to exploit the shifting voter demographic that was on display last Tuesday when the Hispanic vote turned Florida from red to blue!

Boy George's strategists appear to be planning an assault on the state of Texas and its sizable (and growing) Hispanic population. He is spit-shined and ready to make his entrance onto the political stage. If he is successful, America could be faced with another presidential disaster just about the time we finally get the mess cleaned up that his Presidential Poor Bastard Uncle George left us with!

So it's time to get busy down there in Texas and nip this thing in the bud before another national embarrassment emerges from the Great State!