Friday, May 13, 2011

Trump or Monkey in the News Again

After years of speculation about what in the hell is going on with this Poor Bastard's hair, Vanity Fair magazine has finally put the matter to rest with an exhaustive pictorial, complete with scientific explanations of what is going on with Donald Trump's unique coiffure.

The Trumpster has long been the subject of David Letterman's Trump or Monkey routine, which has been a regular feature of Letterman's comedic repertoire for many years. Since beginning his well publicized reality TV career and his more recent "presidential campaign" the subject of Trump's ludicrous hair style has become an almost daily news story.

Seen here is a close-up of Trump's left side profile which clearly shows a horizontal flying wing maneuver - created with what appears to be little more than an excess lock of hair - which most Poor Bastards would simply cut off!

Not only does this sculpted coiffure defy gravity due to it's obvious horizontal staying power, but it would appear that this shock of hair would likely hang down to his shoulder if it were allowed to assume a vertical position; thereby begging the question, "what is it doing there in the first place?"

Seen here in a different light it appears the horizontal flying wing may be a product-enhanced maneuver resulting from the use of a hair gel or an adhesive type material...begging the question, "is this a look the Poor Bastard is intentionally trying to achieve?"

In this rare close-up we can observe the aggressive proliferation of the left eye lash hair...a clear sign that Trump is suffering from a condition many Poor Bastards are well acquainted with - Aging White Male, Body-Hair Management Disorder.

If any of you Inquiring Poor Bastards can stomach looking at any more of these extreme close-up shots of the Trumpster, in all his pallid splendor, you can see the complete pictorial at the link below-

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