In a display of Genuine Poor Bastard behavior, the likes of which can only be likened to the pandemonium that occurs when free cigarettes are given away at a NASCAR event, Poor Bastards throughout The Realm have broken out in a feeding frenzy of mindless greed and avaricious at local Walmart stores throughout the Kingdom of the Poor Bastard.
In spite of the notorious displays of senseless ignorance and slavish behavior for which Black Friday has become known, this year's display is one for the record books as the reports keep coming in.
After it was reported early Friday morning that a Degenerate Poor Bastardette had pepper sprayed a crowd of Malingering Poor Bastards in a Los Angeles area Walmart, in an effort to clear the way for her to secure some form of bargain priced consumer electronics, reports started piling in from around The Kingdom as the mayhem and madness increased throughout the day...
Myrtle Beach, SC - an Unfortunate Poor Bastardette attempting to stow away her goods in the trunk of a car was shot by a robber who had approached the woman after she exited a nearby Walmart with a group of friends

San Leandro, CA -a local man was shot outside a Walmart store during an attempted robbery after robbers confronted a group of Poor Bastards who had just emerged from the Walmart, mass quantities of cheap Chinese goods in hand...
Cave Creek, AZ - shopping was halted and a local Walmart store was evacuated after an explosive device was found in an employee break room. No doubt the result of at least one Poor Bastard employee who had simply had enough!
New York City - a group of Thieving Poor Bastard shoppers who had apparently grown tired of waiting for a Hollister's department store to open on Thursday morning decided to take matters into their own hands and proceeded to break into the store and steal large quantities of clothing.
Pandemonium breaks out as Shameless Poor Bastards scramble to secure $200 bargain-priced flat screen TV's at a Black Friday feeding frenzy...