Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ding-Bat Poor Bastard Sarah Palin...

Now I know all you Poor Bastards out there in the Kingdom have been wondering why the Grand Poo Ba was MIA over the Memorial Day Weekend and I assure you it's not what you think. Yours' truly has been hard at work researching any number of Poor Bastard events, rumors and innuendo which have come to the attention of the High Council in the past few days, while at the same time working on a very important project that will be posted on The Poor Bastard's Gazette blog in the next couple of days.

But like they say, you can't keep a good man down, at least not for long, and you sure as hell can't keep a Genuine Original Poor Bastard down for very long at all! So when the Grand Poo Ba sat down at his command post here at the Poor Bastard World Headquarters and started browsing the news headlines, what do you think it was that crossed his radar screen right off the bat?

If you guessed it was the story about dual-qualifier Ding-Bat Poor Bastard Sarah Palin, you are right! What better way to start off the week than to find a stupid story about the nation's latest darling Poor Bastard and wanna-be presidential hopeful plastered across the front page of every media outlet on the web and every morning TV show in the Kingdom....

For those Poor Bastards who are still trying to find the switch on the Mr. Coffee machine, the latest Palin-buzz is that she failed to show up at a scheduled rally at the Gettysburg, PA Civil War Memorial Park on.......you guessed it MEMORIAL DAY!.......

Now ask yourself, "what could possibly be more of a Poor Bastard move than that?"...especially if you are planning to run for president.

And if that wasn't enough of a non-event, the lapdog media is all worked up into a titillating frenzy over the whole thing....covering the story as if the President of the United States had gone missing. As the Grand Poo Ba is writing this missive, CNN is reporting that they are tracking her caravan (as if anyone actually cares) using "everything but a Low-Jack..." Which would suggest to the Grand Poo Ba that those Poor Bastards at CNN must not have much to do.

The only story here is that several hundred Sarah Palin faithful were left standing at the rally site, holding the bag, wondering where their dearly beloved Ding-Bat Poor Bastard was...and whether she was going to show up.....or could they head on back to the double-wide and slip a few turkey pot pies in the oven?

Pictured here is a Sarah Palin supporter - aka Dumb-F-k Poor Bastard - who has been left standing in the shadows, too embarrassed to show his face...

Note the requisite rally sign announcing his undying and faithful support for "Palin", that looks like he cut it off the bottom of an old McCain/Palin yard sign....in the background numerous other equally mindless Poor Bastards can be seen milling around aimlessly, scratching themselves and mumbling....."honey, when is Sarah gonna git here...?"

Not to spend too much time discussing an un-newsworthy event involving the Ding-Bat Poor Bastard Sarah Palin, who receives far too much media coverage in the first place, but the Grand Poo Ba did want to point out the general irony and True Poor Bastard nature of someone, who is trying their best to pose as a legitimate presidential candidate, to not show up for  Memorial Day rally at one of the most recognized war memorials in the country....

That's what most Poor Bastards would call a Presidential Poor Bastard move!

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